Release of N4 Scoping Report Summary

We wrote this summary because we feel that it is important for people to understand what is being planned for the Isle of Lewis regarding the N4 Nearshore Wind Farm, especially the likely impacts of the project on the ecology, culture and wellbeing of the island. We also want people to know how to comment on the likely impacts that have been identified, which they have the right to do via their community councils. 

The N4 Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) scoping report asks consultees to read and comment on the scoping report and provide suggestions of any changes. 

It is an important document for the public, as local knowledge holders, to read and understand the document, as although the scoping report is very thorough, it was not produced locally, and individuals may have insights that have been overlooked during the desk-based studies used to inform it. This means the report might have missed something important that should be considered when assessing the impact that the N4 wind farm will have on people and the environment

What can I do if I want to suggest changes to the scoping report? 

Take your knowledge seriously: The methods used for coming up with the scoping report are largely desk-based and written by those who might not be as familiar with the topics in the local context. Read the relevant section of the scoping report if you have time, to check whether the scoping report has considered your point already (you might still want to say you disagree with their decision). 

  • Navigate to the topics of this summary that you are interested in or have knowledge of, and get a quick overview of the suggested scope of the EIA.

  • Think of impacts that the scoping report has not considered, decide if you disagree with the inclusion or exclusion of a potential impact.

  • Look at the questions that are provided for consultees and respond to the one(s) that are relevant to your point.

Send them to your Community Council representatives: 

If community council information is not available from Comhairle nan Eilean Siar you could send your comments to one of your local councillors with the request to forward to your nearest community council once it is constituted. 

You could also send your comments to: 

  • Northland Power:

  • Marine Scotland - Licensing Operations Team:


An Introduction to N4’s Impacts on Scheduled Ancient Monuments.


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