Devastating Northland Scoping Report Revealed

Northlands 600MW offshore windfarm, Gemini, off the coast of the Netherlands. Pic: Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency.

Northland have submitted their scoping report to Marine Scotland detailing devastating consequences for the Westside of Lewis and beyond.

The report is 627 pages long and can be found here.

The report confirms the height of the turbines at 380m+ to blade tip and states that the N4 wind farm will be visible from the Butt of Lewis, Point, Callanish Standing Stones as well as potential visibility of the Project from a high point within the Isle of Lewis and the South Lewis, Harris and North Uist NSA.

p.365 of the Northland Scoping Report

“Temporary/ permanent displacement to tourism/ recreational activities:

Potential permanent displacement due to the physical presence of Project infrastructure or change in marine conditions (e.g. wave patterns, water quality etc.) that may impact recreational users.


Looming Deadline For Scoping Consultation


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